Access Codes
As a cutomer of Attorney Conference, you may have as many conference access codes (aka Conference ID) as you need. There are no additional fees or charges associated with extra access codes.
Many customers use multiple conference access codes as a way to account internally for conference call usages. Some ways to manage usage by access codes are:
- By department: an access code for each department like “engineering”, “marketing”, etc.
- By person: each manager or executive may have their own access code.
- By location: each branch or geographic location.
The reports and invoices can sub-total minutes and charges by access code, which can be a big help for internal accounting.
When you sign up for conference calling services, your will receive your dial in, access code, and host pass code via email.
Changing Host Pass Code
The host passcode can be changed via the Conference Control Center or by contacting a Customer Support Specialist.
Here’s a tutorial on how to change the host pass code via the web based Conference Control Center.
One Ping